Paintings inspired by the beauty of Nature

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African Violets purple articleOne of the greatest joys in life is living with a garden.  More than just walking by and admiring Spring flowers...or feeling sentimental about the showering of golden leaves that paint the ground in Autumn.  Beyond visual appreciation - growing plants is a spiritual meditation full of wonder and peace.  It is about experiencing with all your senses and participating with mother earth. Breathing in harmony with all creatures.  Gardening is an affirmation of life - urging us to live, grow and be reborn - every moment! Increasingly, the troubling headlines in today's world remind me of what has tragically slipped away from our consciousness. Indigenous people have always been highly tuned into and  aware of the interconnectedness of all life..and treated it with sacred reverence and respect. Feeling the energy of plants,  I am continually fascinated by the gorgeous diversity of their colors, forms and design.  Their beauty calms my soul, pleases the eyes, cleanses the environment and connects us to our first mother. Earth.

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